The Ottumwa High School instrumental and choral music programs are designed to give each student the opportunity to participate in all phases of music: solo, small ensemble, and large group.
Solo and small ensemble students participate in the Iowa High School Music Association contests. Large group participation includes String Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Marching and Parade Band, Bulldog Belles, Preludes, Troubadours, and Meistersingers.
The various music organizations provide both enjoyment and the prere¬quisites for college and university music departments. Many of our graduates have received excellent financial aid due to their high degree of performance in high school. Iowa High School Music Association regulations state that a student must be enrolled in one of the large group music organizations to be eligible to participate in state contests or festivals.
PRELUDES EOD: Grade 9-12, Year EOD=1 CR, No Prerequisite
- Students involved in Band or Orchestra may enroll in Preludes EOD opposite their instrument days. Performance requirements for Preludes include a Fall, Holiday, Winter, and Spring concert. Interested students may compete in State Solo and Ensemble contest. #9815, 9816
TROUBADOURS: Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, No Prerequisite
- Troubadours is an everyday non-selective mixed chorus composed of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Performance requirements include a Fall Festival as well as Holiday, Winter and Spring school concerts. Interested students may compete in the State Solo and Ensemble Contest. #9802, 9803
BELLS: Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Audition
- Bells is offered to select treble voices in high school, freshmen through seniors. Rehearsals are held daily. Performance requirements include a Fall Festival as well as Holiday, Winter and Spring concerts. Interested students may compete in the State Solo and Ensemble Contest. Students may audition for Bells in the Spring. #9804, 9805
MEISTERSINGERS: Grade 10-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Audition
- Meistersingers is a SELECTIVE mixed chorus with daily rehearsals. Many required performances and activities are scheduled for Meistersingers. These include school concerts, All-State auditions, community performances, and contests. The choral literature to be rehearsed and performed consists of four to eight parts and ranges from medium difficult to very difficult. Only the most dedicated and talented singers will be selected for Meistersingers. Several before school rehearsals may be necessary throughout the year to prepare for all-state auditions, the Holiday and the Pop Concerts. #9806
MUSIC THEORY & TECHNOLOGY: Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite= Instructor Interview
- Music theory and technology is a comprehensive course designed to prepare prospective college music majors or music minors. It would be helpful for students to have at least one year of piano instruction prior to taking this class. Course content will include basic music fundamentals, major and minor scales, chords, melodic lines, non-harmonic tones and modulation. At the conclusion of the course, students should possess the ability to compose short original compositions.
- This seminar is for students interested in learning the fundamentals of musical technology. The course will include the use of technology to create and record music and many other applications of specific computer programs. Experience playing either keyboards or another instrument is helpful but not mandatory. Students will consult with instructors prior to registration. #9811
EARLY BIRD SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA EOD: Grade 9-12, Year EOD=1 CR, Prerequisite=Orchestra Experience
- Early bird symphony orchestra meets at 7:20 on Monday and Wednesday starting after the marching band season is over (late October/early November). All String Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra students MUST be enrolled in Early Bird Symphony Orchestra. This orchestra is comprised of all string students as well as brass, woodwind, and percussion students. During this rehearsal, full symphony orchestra music is rehearsed. Performance requirements for Early Bird Symphony Orchestra include a fall, holiday, winter, and spring concert. #9801, 98012
CONCERT ORCHESTRA: Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Orchestra Experience
- Concert Orchestra meets the first hour of every day. This is a 9-12 orchestra composed of just string instruments. Students enrolled in this class must also be enrolled in Early Bird Symphony Orchestra. Along with performing at school concerts, students will also have more opportunities to perform that are optional to them. These include, but not limited to: All-State Music Festival, SEISTA Honor Orchestra Festival, community performances and outreach, Solo and Ensemble, and Large Group competition. The group will give 5 required performances throughout the year. These are as follows: fall, holiday, winter, spring, and graduation. #0000
CONCERT ORCHESTRA EOD: Grade 9-12, Year EOD=1 CR, Prerequisite=Orchestra Experience
- Concert Orchestra EOD shares the same features as Concert Orchestra, with the exception that this group meets on days 2, 4, and 6. Students signing up for this option should ALSO be taking either Band EOD, or Preludes EOD. On days 1, 3, and 5 students will participate in that ensemble opposite of Concert Orchestra. #9800, 98002
CHAMBER ORCHESTRA/ENSEMBLE: Grade 10-12, Year=2 CR, Prerequisite=Enrolled in either Concert Orchestra or Concert Orchestra EOD, audition requirement
- Students who are wishing to participate in this group must also be registered in either Concert Orchestra, or Concert Orchestra EOD, as well as pass an audition in order to enter. This group is geared towards students who are more advanced and would like the challenge, and experience of chamber music. Students will have the opportunity to play literature in for smaller ensemble sizes, such as quartets, duets, etc., as well as larger group rehearsals without the assistance of a conductor. #0000
BEGINNING ORCHESTRA: Grade 9-12, Year = 2 CR, No Prerequisite
- This course is offered to all high school students who do not have any prior experience, or little experience playing a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, bass) and would like to learn. At the semester, students will have the opportunity to audition out of the beginning orchestra group in order to join the Concert Orchestra. Students who do not complete the audition, or wish not to audition, will remain in Beginning Orchestra for the second semester in order to hone technique and skill further. The following year, they will be able to join the group. #9812
BAND: Grade 9-12, Year=2 CR, No Prerequisite
- The Band is comprised of students in grades 9 through 12, including those wishing to begin a band instrument. Beginning band students will be enrolled in Band but will study privately until basic playing techniques are mastered and director permission is received. Band members also comprise the Pride of Ottumwa Marching Band as well as the winter sport pep band. Band meets every day and attendance is required at all rehearsals and performances. (Varsity basketball players and cheerleaders are excused from the pep band.) Students desiring to participate in a choir but who have no other free periods may enroll in Preludes with the permission of the directors of both Band and Preludes. All Band members may audition for membership in the Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Bands, All-State Band, and State Solo and Ensemble Contest as well as various honor bands offered around the state. #9807, 9808