CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION - Forty-Six (46) / Forty-Seven (47)*
Class Load
All students must be enrolled in seven classes every semester. Juniors who have earned 25 credits by the end of their sophomore year may enroll in six classes (six periods) per semester. Seniors who have earned 34 credits by the end of their junior year may be enrolled in six classes (six periods) during their first semester and as many as necessary to graduate during their second semester.
English/Language Arts (8 CR)
Mathematics (6 CR)
Social Studies (7 CR)
Science (6 CR)
Physical Education (3 CR*)
*Required of all students each semester (unless waived per board policy)
College and Career Readiness
A student may graduate at the end of the first semester of his/her senior year provided he/she:
A diploma will be issued upon completion of the stated requirements after the graduation ceremony. Mid-year graduates may take part in all senior activities associated with graduation.
Letter Grade / Class Percent / Honors/AP GPA / GPA Equivalent
A / 100-93 / 5.0 / 4.0
A- / 92-90 / 4.667 / 3.667
B+/ 89-87 / 4.333 / 3.333
B / 86-83 / 4.0 / 3.0
B- / 82-80 / 3.667 / 2.667
C+/ 79-77 / 3.333 / 2.333
C / 76-73 / 3.0 / 2.0
C- / 72-70 / 2.667 / 1.667
D+/ 69-67 / 2.333 / 1.333
D / 66-63 / 2.0 / 1.0
D- / 62-60 / 1.667 / 0.667
F / 59-0 / 1.0 / 0.0
It is important that students carefully choose the proper classes that best fit their personal, educational, and vocational needs. Students should seek advice from parents, teachers, and counselors.
Students are responsible for accepting the course of study for which they register, therefore they must plan very deliberately, always keeping in mind individual interests and post-high school plans. Any adjustments following the initial Spring Registration period are limited and will be based on only one of the following reasons:
Requests for reasons other than those listed above are limited to extenuating circumstances and must have parent/guardian approval. Requests that would result in an imbalance in the sections of a course will NOT be approved.
Any adjustments after the beginning of the term must have Principal approval. Students wanting to add, drop, or adjust their schedule must pick up a Schedule Adjustment Request form from the Counseling Office and make an appointment. Requests for teacher change will not be granted except under extenuating circumstances approved by the Principal.
Online/On Campus/ OHS Concurrent Enrollment Pass/Fail Option:
Driver Education is operated by Drivescape LLC.
For further information regarding availability, scheduling, and fees, please contact:
Scott Guest
School Phone: 641-683-4444 Ext. 77117
Concurrent Credit Options
Student Eligibility Requirements
To participate in Senior Year Plus programming, students must meet the academic requirements of both the school district and postsecondary institution.
Grade | Not Yet Proficient | Proficient | Advanced |
8 | 385 to 493 | 494 to 593 | 594 to 720 |
9 | 410 to 504 | 505 to 617 | 618 to 750 |
10 | 435 to 529 | 530 to 641 | 642 to 780 |
11 | 460 to 560 | 561 to 659 |
660 to 800 |
Grade | Not Yet Proficient | Proficient | Advanced |
8 | 385 to 489 | 490 to 605 | 606 to 720 |
9 | 410 to 512 | 513 to 625 | 626 to 750 |
10 | 435 to 536 | 537 to 653 | 654 to 780 |
11 | 460 to 558 | 559 to 674 | 675 to 800 |
Grade | Not Yet Proficient | Proficient | Advanced |
8 | 385 to 507 | 508 to 608 | 609 to 720 |
10 | 435 to 544 | 545 to 655 | 656 to 780 |
If a student is not proficient in one or more area but wishes to enroll in an Arts & Science course, he/she must meet an alternate proficiency requirement. Two options are available as alternate proficiency measurements: (1) an Accuplacer recommended cut score for the individual course as determined by the community college. (2) only proficient in the area they wish to take concurrent courses
Career Technical programs/courses do not require proficiency for eligibility. See your counselor for more information.
At the college level, students must meet any assessment requirements of the postsecondary institution including any placement exam requirements of the institution.
The following programs provide an overview of opportunities:
Advanced Placement (AP®)
All enrolled AP students will be expected to take the course AP exam. Exam performance will not impact a student's course grade.
Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO)
Ninth and tenth grade students who have been identified by the school district as gifted and talented, and eligible eleventh and twelfth grade students, may utilize the Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (“PSEO”) program. To qualify, a course must be a nonsectarian, credit-bearing course that leads to a degree, and in the areas of: mathematics, science, social sciences, humanities, career and technical education. A course is not eligible for PSEO if a comparable course is offered by the school district. This would include courses at a community college with which the district has a concurrent enrollment agreement. Students shall not be charged for tuition, textbooks, materials, or fees related to a PSEO course with the exception of equipment that becomes the property of the student. In Iowa, 4 year institutions qualify for PSEO.
Transportation to and from the postsecondary institution is the responsibility of the student or parent or legal guardian of the student enrolled in a PSEO course. Eligible students may take up to seven hours of post-secondary credit during the summer months and receive high school credit upon successful completion of a post-secondary course. However, the student or student’s parent or legal guardian are responsible for all costs associated with courses taken during the summer.
Students who fail a PSEO course and fail to receive credit are required to reimburse the school district for all costs directly related to the course up to the $250.00 reimbursement maximum. Prior to registering, students under the age of eighteen are required to have a parent or guardian sign a form indicating that the parent is responsible for the costs of the course should the student fail the course and fail to receive credit. Reimbursement waivers may be granted by the board if sufficient verification is provided to show that the student was unable to complete the course for reasons outside the student’s control, including but not limited to physical incapacity, a death in the student’s immediate family, or a move out of the school district.
In accordance with all PSEO qualifying guidelines stated above, students may take such courses at a community college. The courses are called individual concurrent enrollment. If a student enrolls in such a course, the following rules apply:
Concurrent Enrollment
The concurrent enrollment program promotes rigorous academic or career and technical pursuits by providing opportunities for high school students to enroll part-time in eligible nonsectarian courses at or through community colleges. Per Senior Year Plus, concurrent enrollment courses are offered through contractual agreements between community colleges and school districts within their service area.
There are concurrent enrollment classes taught at Ottumwa High School that earn both college and high school credit. Other concurrent options are held online, on-campus, or through live virtual learning. OHS teachers have been credentialed through IHCC and use their syllabi, college textbooks, etc. to teach a concurrent enrollment class. The student must sign up for the class in the spring, during the registration process by discussing their options with their school counselor using the application form provided.
IMPORTANT: College credit obtained may or may not transfer to a higher-level institution. Students and/or parents should contact the university or college choice to make sure that what they are planning to take will transfer to the specific major or particular field of study of the student.
Add, Drop, and Withdraw for IHCC Courses:
Adding a course
Dropping a course
Withdrawing from a course
Discovery Academies
Articulation Agreements
In addition to classes that articulate to Indian Hills, a few classes are designated as State Articulated, which means that they transfer to participating community colleges throughout the State of Iowa.
For students who potentially might play athletics in college, specific courses meet eligibility standards for freshman participation at member NCAA Division I and II schools. Courses are designated as Approved or Not Approved for the NCAA Clearinghouse. The Counseling Office has further information for questions about the college-bound athlete.
The State of Iowa has a rich tradition of providing quality post-secondary educational opportunities for its citizens that also attracts students from all over the country and world. Today, Iowa's three Regent universities and 15 community colleges serve more than 150,000 students annually!
Iowa's Regent universities and community colleges have joined to create a Web site dedicated to seamless transfer. Their intent is simple - to create a one-stop resource to help students and families plan for their future.
The number one question transfer students ask is "How will my credits transfer?" Follow the 'Transferring Your Credit' links on the Transfer in Iowa website to discover how your courses may transfer to the Regent universities. You are invited to explore, discover, and continue to dream big. Visit for more information.
Students from Iowa high schools planning to begin their studies in fall 2009 or later must have a Regent Admission Index score of at least 245 and take the minimum number of required high school courses to qualify for automatic admission to Iowa State University, the University of Northern Iowa, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at The University of Iowa. Students who achieve a score less than 245 will be considered for admission on an individual basis.
The index combines four factors that strongly predict success at regent universities: ACT or SAT test score, high school rank, high school cumulative grade-point average, and the number of completed high school core courses.
Visit for more information or to calculate your RAI. See your Counselor for more information.
The (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), or FAFSA, is the first step in the financial aid process when looking for funding available to pursue post-secondary education. Use it to apply for federal student financial aid, such as the Pell Grant, student loans, and college work-study. In addition, most states and schools use FAFSA information to award their financial aid. For more information visit
High School Course Requirements
For Admission to Iowa Regents Universities
In addition to meeting the Regent Admission Index requirement, students must complete the minimum number of high school courses specified below for the institution to which they’re applying.
English Language Arts |
4 years of English/Language Arts emphasizing writing, speaking, reading, as well as an understanding and appreciation of literature. | 4 years, with an emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of literature, composition, and speech. | 4 years, including one year of composition; may also include one year of speech, communication, or journalism. |
Math | 3 years, including one year each of algebra, geometry, and advanced algebra. | 3 years, including two years of algebra and one year of geometry, for admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. 4 years, including two years of algebra, one year each of geometry higher math (trigonometry, analysis, or calculus), for admission to the College of Engineering. | 3 years, including the equivalent of algebra, geometry, and advanced algebra. |
Natural Science | 3 years, including one year each from any two of the following: biology, chemistry, and physics. | 3 years, including courses in physical science, biology, chemistry, environmental science and physics for admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. 3 years, with at least one year each in chemistry and physics, for admission to the College of Engineering. Nursing - 3 years including one year each of biology, chemistry and physics. | 3 years, including courses in general science, biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics; laboratory experience highly recommended. |
Social Studies | 2 years for admission to the Colleges of Agriculture, Business, Design, Human Sciences, and Engineering. Three years for admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. | 3 years, with U.S. history and world history recommended for admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. 2 years, with U.S. history and world history recommended, for admission to the College of Engineering. | 3 years, including courses in anthropology, economics, geography, government, history, psychology, or sociology. |
Foreign Language | 2 years of a single foreign language for admission to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering. Foreign language courses are not required for admission to the Colleges of Agriculture, Business, Design, or Human Sciences. | 2 years of a single foreign language are required for admission. For many degrees, the fourth year of proficiency is required for graduation. Nursing - 3 years in a single language or two years each in two different languages. | Foreign language courses are not required for admission. However, two years of a foreign language in high school with a C- or above in the last term will meet the university graduation requirement. |
Other Courses | Specific elective courses are not required for admission to Iowa State University. | Specific elective courses are not required for admission. | Two years of additional courses from the required subject areas, foreign languages, or fine arts. |